IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE HEADSTAMP ON THIS BRASS: Due to limited supplies of brass, Buffalo Bore has begun loading +P and +P+ ammunition in brass that may not be indicated as such on the headstamp. Example: 9mm Luger +P+ ammunition may be designated as 9mm Luger +P or simply 9mm Luger on the headstamp. Buffalo Bore loads their ammunition with the highest quality components available to maximize the performance of the ammunition. This ammunition is safe to use in all 9×18 Makarov chambered firearms that are in proper working condition. This ammunition is new production, non-corrosive, in boxer primed, reloadable brass cases.
Owner of Buffalo Bore Tim Sundles on Buffalo Bore 9×18 Makarov Ammunition: Our introduction of a “heavy bullet for cartridge” 9X18 Makarov +P loading is the sole result of numerous customer requests. With millions of these pistols now on American soil and no +P heavy loadings available, this cartridge and the many pistol owners are suffering from the lack of serious fight stopping ammunition. This load is 20grs. heavier and 100 fps faster than standard 9X18 ammo.
This loading features a flash suppressed powder, so if you need to shoot in low light, you won’t be blinded by your own gun fire and this is a useful tactical advantage since around 95% of all civilian shootings in the US happen in low light while the criminal element is out and about.
Further, please note that the use of hard cast bullets (not lead but, Hard Cast) does NOT cause lead fouling in the polygonal rifling’s used in all 9X18 Makarov pistols. We found no appreciable leading in any of our Makarov test guns. It should also be noted that all of our test guns functioned and fed flawlessly with this load. We also experienced very good to excellent accuracy in all test guns.
Please note the real world velocities listed below from real world 9X18 Makarov pistols. At Buffalo Bore we always use real, ?over-the-counter’ firearms for our published velocities, as we feel the use of laboratory test barrels that give false, high velocities does the customer a disservice as each customer needs to know what their carry ammo will really do on-the-street in a real world situation.
1014 fps — East German Makarov, 4 inch barrel 1057 fps — CZ 82, 4 inch barrel
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